Course Structure

Course Structure

Week 1: Introduction to Mindfulness

Learning: You will understand the basics of mindfulness and how it will benefit your life.

Week 2: Bringing Mindfulness to parenting and Mindful listening

Learning: How mindfulness in parenting involves being fully present and engaged with your children, creating a more aware, attentive, and empathetic parenting style.

Week 3: Building presence and connection with your child

Learning: You will learn strategies and practical exercises to help enhance presence and connection with your child. Building presence and connection is essential for fostering a healthy and supportive relationship.

Week 4: Cultivating mindful presence and reflective listening

Learning: You will learn to build a strong, supportive relationship and foster a deeper connection with your child. You will learn strategies and exercises to help you achieve this.

Week 5: The Childs Brain

Learning: Learning about the childs brain helps you understand how their developmental stage influences their emotions, behaviors, and ability to engage in mindfulness practices.

Week 6: Practicing self compassion and compassion for our children

Learning: You will learn new strategies and practical exercises to help you cultivate both self-compassion and compassion for your children that is essential for fostering a nurturing and supportive environment.

Week 7: Loving kindness and gratitude practices

Learning: You will learn how you can integrate these practices into your daily routine with your child. Practicing loving-kindness and gratitude can significantly enhance emotional well-being and foster stronger relationships.

Week 8: Teaching children mindful awareness practices

Learning: You will learn some strategies and exercises to introduce mindfulness to children in a fun and engaging way. Helping your children develop emotional regulation, focus, and a sense of calm.

Week 9: Teaching children kindness and compassion practices

Learning: We will practice some effective strategies and activities to help children cultivate kindness and compassion. A wonderful way to nurture empathy, emotional intelligence, and positive relationships.

Week 10: Teaching children mindfulness of emotion practices.

Learning: Guiding them to recognize, accept, and manage their emotions in a healthy way. This practice encourages emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and resilience.

Additional Information:

You will receive a weekly email comprising of mindfulness practice work for yourself and your children, extra links to useful mindfulness resources and a brief overview of insights from the live class. It is recommended that you set aside around 10-15 minutes each day for personal practice between classes.

Audio recordings will be available if you cannot make a live class.