Six Week Course Structure

Course Structure

Week 1: Introduction to Mindfulness and how to train your mind to be in the present.

Learning: You will understand the basics of mindfulness and how it will benefit your life.

Week 2: Explaining the two main types of mindfulness practice, formal mindfulness practice and informal practice. Using different anchors to bring you back to the present moment.

Learning: Understand as we practice mindfulness we can learn to calm a busy mind. Introducing informal mindfulness practice to your daily practice.

Week 3: Exploring mindfulness through your different senses.

Learning: You will learn the importance of connecting to the here and now.

Week 4: Understanding the Fight or flight response and how stress affects the body.

Learning: You will learn how to use mindfulness to cope with difficult situations and help reduce your overall stress levels.

Week 5: Plasticity of the brain, its ability to change. Introduce the practice of mindful self compassion.

Learning: How what we practice grows stronger in our lives and the importance of self compassion.

Week 6: Introduce the practice of gratitude.

Learning: Practising gratitude and creating a sustainable mindfulness practice.

Additional Information:

You will receive a weekly email comprising of mindfulness practice work, extra links to useful mindfulness resources and a brief overview of insights from the live class. It is recommended that you set aside around 15 minutes each day for personal practice between classes.

Audio recordings will be available if you cannot make a live class.